An image of Dr. Bicos speaking during the IPE
James Bicos, M.D., 在365英国上市官网威廉·博蒙特医学院(OUWB)和365英国上市官网健康科学学院(SHS)物理治疗博士(DPT)在纵向关节护理骨科的首次跨专业经验中发表讲话.



来自OUWB和DPT项目的临床教师详细解释了前交叉韧带(ACL)重建和/或全膝关节置换术患者的旅程, from pre-op indications to operative techniques, and post-op rehabilitation.

Matthew Cederman, M2, OUWB, coordinated the event along with M3 Avianna Arapovic and M2 Nikhil Aggarwal. 席德曼说,希望与会者能对整个过程有更好的了解.   

“On the medical side of things, for example, I feel a lot of our learning and education stops at the end of the surgery per se, but that doesn’t necessarily stop the treatment for the patient,” he said.

“这次活动的目的不仅是为医学和DPT学生提供一个交流的机会, but also learn from each other’s professions,” he said.

An ‘invaluable’ link

An image of an OUWB student at the IPE

Matthew Helou, M2, asks a question during the interprofessional event.

Cederman说,这次活动的灵感来自于2017年的一篇名为“跨专业方法教授功能性膝关节解剖学”的研究论文,” that appeared in Annals of Anatomy.


“对这些课程的评估表明,参与这些课程的人对这两个专业的人都有很高的接受度和赞赏度,参与这些课程似乎与更好的解剖学考试成绩有关。,” the paper concluded.


At the three-hour OUWB/SHS event, James Bicos, M.D., Joesph Guettler, M.D. and Clark Yin, M.D. - Corewell Health的所有整形外科医生-详细介绍了前交叉韧带重建和全膝关节置换术的手术过程. (Bicos and Guettler are both clinical faculty at OUWB.)

“这样做的最大好处是,我们从自己的医学孤岛中获取知识,并与其他学科分享,” said Bicos.


Specifically, 比科斯说,他希望DPT的学生们能更好地理解手术的机械性质. Concurrently, 他希望公开大学商学院的学生了解接受康复治疗的条件,以及康复治疗对患者预后的重要性.

“我们希望(每个人)都能从这些知识中吸取教训,帮助他们进一步了解如何治愈病人,” he said.

Sara Arena, PT, DScPT, director, OU DPT, was among those who spoke about the rehabilitation process post-surgery.

“对于我们的PT学生来说,这是一个与医生互动的绝佳机会,因为这肯定是他们进入现实世界实践时将要做的事情,” she said. “The surgeon may develop the diagnosis and do the surgery, but as physical therapists, we really are hoping to make their surgery the most successful it can be.”


 David Fausone, PT, DScPT, also spoke at the event and called it “super important.”

他说:“当我们作为专业人士外出(治疗病人)时,我们像一个团队一样一起工作。. “对于未来的pt和未来的医生来说,这是一个很好的机会,可以相互了解,了解我们的工作方式,并确定什么对我们的病人最好。.”

‘A world of difference’

An image of Dr. Arena at the IPE

Sara Arena, PT, DScPT, director, OU DPT, was among those who spoke about the rehabilitation process post-surgery.

Emilie Andrews, a third-year PT student, worked with her colleagues from OUWB on coordinating the event.


“If we have mutual respect and open communication between our two professions, this can make a world of difference for patient outcomes,” she said. “This event had so much didactic and concrete knowledge to learn, 但它也以一种我从未经历过的个人方式帮助我们两种职业建立了联系.”


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“在这样的活动中,我们建立了一种共生关系,”她说. “我们希望改变医疗保健和持续护理的方式. 这一切都要从下一代的专业人士开始,比如今天在场的学生. 我们希望参与者能够以开放的心态听取每个专业的分享,并将这些知识应用到他们的日常实践中.”

Cederman said he was happy with the inaugural version of the event, hopes that it has a future at OUWB, 并建议将其作为常规课程的一部分,“让所有人都能接触到它,而不是那些参加活动的人。.”


他补充说,活动后的调查将更深入地了解与会者的感受, 但坊间反馈“表明,参加活动的人认为这是非常值得的.”

For more information, contact Andrew Dietderich, marketing writer, OUWB, at [email protected].

To request an interview, visit the OUWB Communications & Marketing webpage.

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